Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Art class with the kids

Wow, just looked over my "blog"! Have not posted in a year! I do have much to say, but not a lot of time these days to contemplate these thoughts. I have been too busy thinking up ideas for the school children I have the pleasure of seeing each day. They love to make things and paint, the little ones love markers and glue! Who does not? I have always loved craft shops, art supply stores and hardware mega-giant warehouses. The fun to be had is overwhelming. The creative juices flowing out of every cell, tell me who does not love getting paint in their finger nails, glue in their hair and permanent marker all over their clothes?! Sorry moms, you have to get dirty and make a mess once in a while. Make something beautiful now and then, sit back and enjoy your handy work. The delight in the children's eyes and the pleasure of something they have made is what gives me a big spring to my step.
I am inspired by the students and eagerly search the internet for more ideas and soon run out of time. I drive my "clown car" golf cart to school excited to show the kids what we will do each day and hope they are happy and as pleased as I with their adventure and future masterpiece.
d :)