Thursday, May 14, 2009

Christine's birthday

My computer crashed last December and was sent back to the states for repair with a friend.  I got it back after my husband returned from a short visit to the states.  Happy to have my friend back, it was a blank slate.  I had lost all my photos, email addresses, old mail, etc., etc.  I have spent the last couple months catching up and trying to retrieve some of this information.  Success was achieved, enough to make me happy and to stay in touch with my children and family.  What I could not get back up and running was my old blog!  After several phone conversations with the old server, I have moved.

So, here I am and today is looking like another beautiful day in paradise!  Partly cloudy, hot, breezy and so far, no power outage!  Today is also a new friends' birthday.  She does not want this publicized, but due to unusual circumstances, everyone knows!  She got my gift to her early.  I drove into town yesterday in search of a gift for her.  Not knowing what I would find, I did end up with the perfect one!  I found my usual; decent kitchen towels that I personalized for her and then the epitome!  A giant wine glass!  This thing is almost 3 feet tall and quite heavy.  I took it home, cleaned the dust off, draped the towels over it and thought I would include a nice bottle of red wine.  (This glass could hold a whole bottle ).  Last night was our neighborhood watch meeting.  Things have been quiet and uneventful in our neighborhood, so, the meeting adjourned early.  Not wanting the night to end, Steve invited this friend and her husband over for a glass of wine.  Since this was impromptu, my gift was in plain view on the table as you would walk into our house.  She saw it, screamed and laughed!  It was the perfect gift.

Happy Birthday, Christine!  To many more and looking forward to dinner and cake tonight!

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