Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Doing the final clean up this morning from last night's dinner, I decided, I must keep my camera either in my pocket or at my side at all times!  The Kodak/Cannon moments never come back nor re-enacted!  Not that anything out of the ordinary occurred last night, it was my son's reaction to the empty tonic water and wine bottles on the kitchen counter that had me thinking.

Yesterday morning I started off as most days with my dearly beloved "list".  After the limpiaring, (Spanish for cleaning, lol),  I threw a load of laundry in the washer and jumped into the golf cart for a ride into town.  Wait, back up!  Before that, Roberto had to show me the amazing caterpillar he found, (yikes, made me think of the battle a friend is having right now with her passion fruit and caterpillars!  Should I worry about this?),  Colin had a question or two that needed answers,  the dogs needed a pat on the head, the phones ringing,  Pickle under the cart and won't come out!  In other words, a hour later, I was in the golf cart on my way to town!

Now, anyone who knows this place, knows this isn't always the, "Isla Bonita," Madonna sings about!  Madonna never went into town, in a noisy Polaris in the middle of summer, along these dusty roads with her empty 5 gallon water bottles bouncing in the cargo part of the cart!  Her peeps did it, she only heard about it!  Friends of mine are shopping in the states right now and I am so envious, I can hardly stand it!  I love to shop, it is my sport of preference and I can outlast the best of them!  Shopping in San Pedro is a whole other ball game!  Even the pros are left exhausted, frustrated and in need of a shower and cocktail!  The pleasure I once knew seems like a mere figment of my imagination;  did I once know the shoe department of Neiman's like the back of my hand?  Did the cosmetic counters at Macy's feel like an old comfy sofa?  Does Whole Foods really exist?  

I arrive in town, wave to the familiar faces along the way and get to my first destination not to find a space to park the beast of all golf carts!  I circle the block, OMG!, used to do that in my sleep at the mall back home, no problemo, (Spanish for not a big deal!), and after a couple close calls of tourist wandering aimlessly in the streets, dodging the enormous electric company truck, (ew, maybe I should have hit that?!), "bingo" I get a spot a block from the store!  Once inside,  I tick away at the list, proud of myself for remembering to bring the styro-foam egg carton to save 35 cents BZ (!), I realize, damn-it, my water jugs are unsecured in the back of the golf cart!  (They are worth more empty than full or $25BZ each!)   Do I go out there, fire the cart up and try to move in closer to the front door of the store?  Do I go out there, make an attempt at tying them in?  No, don't want to attract attention, I'll get out of here fast!  Shopping like a pro, I finished in record time!   Cramming the bags into the small storage unit under the passenger seat, start the cart and away I go to the next stop.

Around, around I go, trying to find parking!  I could go a few blocks to the, "parking lot" that only the owner of this property and few select others know about, because there is no sign and taxis are usually blocking the entrance.  Better not,  a few blocks away,  but I have $100BZ worth of unsecured water bottles in back and groceries in the storage compartment.  Must find something closer.  Around and around again, I decide I am a frequent customer at another retailer and I will bloody park there!  (A lot of my British ex-pat friends use this "bloody" expression; it seems to fit well in many circumstances, I like it!)  Okay, I park, give the security guard a little friendly wave and across the street I go to the next store.  

This little gem of a produce market has just about everything else on my list and it's fully air conditioned.  The owner and I have become friends, I glide through this tiny establishment feeling relaxed and at ease.  Standing in line, (which, by the way is a new concept here!  Very few, except tourists, stand in a line and wait their turn!  A major pet peeve for another blog:),  I wait patiently for the tourist ahead of me to finish her story, her trials of the day, her excitement of being on the island.  The owner and I trade glances,  roll our eye balls and it is now my turn.  I pay my bill, collect my parcels, exchange nicey-nicey's with my friend and away I go to the next stop.  Keep in mind; the narrow streets, roaming-picture-taking tourists, hot blazing sun, 95% humidity and a golf cart that should come with it's own "Bose" noise- cancelling head set!  To sum this up, 3 or 4 more stops to go!   Chats with neighbors along the way,  a lot of smiles and hand waves, (tourists feel compelled to wave), finally, back home.

When I arrive, no one is around to help unload, (I'm thinking Madonna would have her staff unloading this cart in the noontime sun!)  Instead,  I have 3 dogs jumping to lick the sweat dripping off my face, while juggling bags,  looking for my keys.  Inside the kitchen, I scrub the dust off my hands, arms and face, to begin  the task of preparing tonight's meal.  My husband has invited two friends whose wives are off island, to dinner.  We love to have friends over and these guys are dear and make me laugh!  I begin the chopping, cooking and preparing of this meal.  It's simple, prosciutto and melon, salad, lasagne, garlic bread and zucchini/coconut/pineapple cake.  By the time Steve steps in the door, I have finished cooking and tend to the table and the last of the limpiaring.  He's on the sofa snoozing when our first guest arrives.  (How does he do that?)

Now we get back to the, "dead soldiers" on the kitchen counter this morning!  Excited to see his friends, Steve starts pouring drinks.  I put our first guest's lovely appetizer on a pretty plate, get out the perfect utensil and the party has officially begun.  Next bachelor arrives.  I place his bottle of wine along side the first guest's bottle and offer him a piece of melon.  Steve soon realizes, we need more tonic and ice, (maybe the sofa time should have been spent checking on the bar supplies?),  Colin just happens to walk in upon returning from his third work out of the day!  (Another blog topic, later!)  Convincing our son, these are drastic needs, he gets into the golf cart for another trip to the store for tonic and ice.

Colin returns, the boys are ready to eat.  I serve everyone, glasses clink in the "cheers" and the manga (I talian for let's eat!) begins!  Your husbands, girlfriends shopping, are true gentlemen.  Polite conversations, most acceptable table manners and generous compliments to the chef, (moi; french for me!)  Seconds go around, bread is gone, another glass of wine, open another bottle and dessert.  We enjoy each others company, exchange stories, tell some jokes, update the latest island gossip.  It is about now that I go looking for a camera.  Steve is going on and on about his high school athletic career, Colin is desperately trying to get some training advice and I realize, my camera is not where I thought I left it!  They now miss me, have left the table  and have moved outside.  I did not mean to stop the party, I just wanted to take a photo to send to the wives stateside.  Darn it, cannot get those moments back nor the momentum.  So, the boys talk some more, I am limpiaring, again and before I know it, Steve is horizontal with all three dogs in the bed!

I finish what I want to do in the kitchen, turn off the lights, check the gates, say "goodnight" to our son, turn in for the night.  This morning, I have a quick walk with the dogs, greet Robert and notice Steve is moving painfully slow.  I look closer and he cannot be feeling  great.  Looking at my kitchen counter to finish up last night's clean up,  I understand his angst!  His is the face of too many rum and tonics, throw in some red wine and whole lot of food(!) and this is the face of pure misery!  Thus, the photo of empty bottles, (maybe I should go through the trash for the other empties!  Naw!)

So, ladies shopping, I don't know how your guys are feeling today?  I was busy getting food out to notice the drinking until it was too late!  It really wasn't that much!   Sorry about that, but I think they had a good time!  I am sure Steve will hit that sofa again after working today!  I am also sure he will be happy with a grilled cheese sandwich and some soup!  Let me know if I should take something similar over to yours!  :)  Cheers...

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